
Blum MERIVOBOX modular E Height 192mm Inner Drawer BOXCAP with High Glass Design Element 350mm with BLUMOTION in Indium Grey 40kg. To suit 1200mm wide cabinet

Blum MERIVOBOX Carcase Runner Set 350mm 40kg. 450.3501B 450.3501B
Price: $51.45
Blum MERIVOBOX M Height Drawer Sides Indium Grey 350mm 470M3502S 470M350IG
Price: $46.66
Blum MERIVOBOX Back Fixing Bracket Set E Height Indium Grey ZB4E000S ZB4EIG
Price: $5.21
Blum MERIVOBOX Inner Drawer E Height Front Fixing Brackets for Glass Indium Grey. ZI4.4MS1 ZI44ESIG
Price: $38.10
Blum MERIVOBOX Front Section for Inner Drawer and Inner Pull-Out with Glass Design Element Indium Grey. Cabinet Width: 1200mm ZV4.1042NN ZV41042NIG
Price: $41.30
Blum MERIVOBOX BOXCAP Design Element 350mm Indium Grey. ZL4.350S.E ZL4350IG
Price: $38.64
Blum MERIVOBOX High Clear Front Glass for Inner Pull-Out 1200mm. ZE4H1064G ZE4H1064G
Price: $79.83
Price (ex GST): $301.19

Products available for individual purchase unless otherwise stated.

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P. 1800 633 507

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Greystanes NSW 2145
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Logrunner Place
Willawong QLD 4110
P. 1800 633 507

19 Christable Way
Landsdale WA 6065
P. 1800 633 507

9/20 Cheltenham Parade
Woodville SA 5011
P. 1800 633 507