Blum MERIVOBOX modular E Height 192mm Single Gallery Rail Drawer 270mm with TIP-ON BLUMOTION in Indium Grey 40kg for drawer weight 0-10kg

Blum MERIVOBOX Carcase Runner Set 270mm 40kg. 450.2701B 450.2701B
Price: $51.45
Blum MERIVOBOX M Height Drawer Sides Indium Grey 270mm 470M2702S 470M270IG
Price: $46.66
Blum MERIVOBOX Back Fixing Bracket Set E Height Indium Grey ZB4E000S ZB4EIG
Price: $5.21
Blum MERIVOBOX Bottom Front Fixing Bracket INSERTA. ZF4.10I2 ZF410I2
Price: $2.34
Blum MERIVOBOX Top Front Fixing Bracket INSERTA. ZF4.50I2 ZF450I2
Price: $2.16
Blum MERIVOBOX Gallery Rail Set for High Fronted Drawers 270mm Indium Grey. ZR4.270RS ZR4270IG
Price: $15.13
Blum TIP-ON BLUMOTION set (unit and latch) for MERIVOBOX. For 270 – 300mm NL runners. Type S0. Total weight of pull out 0 - 10kg. T60H4040 T60H4040
Price: $41.97
Blum TIP-ON BLUMOTION synchronisation linkage T60.1125W T601125W
Price: $9.11
Price (ex GST): $178.53

Products available for individual purchase unless otherwise stated.

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P. 1800 633 507

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3 Basalt Road
Greystanes NSW 2145
P. 1800 633 507

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Logrunner Place
Willawong QLD 4110
P. 1800 633 507

19 Christable Way
Landsdale WA 6065
P. 1800 633 507

9/20 Cheltenham Parade
Woodville SA 5011
P. 1800 633 507